Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash
Good morning. It has been quite some time since the last blog or tweet. Although not the most glamorous of tasks. I have been updating the live manual for Game Pencil. As the project grows and more modules are built and supported. It is important to get things documented for easy learning so people can actually download the engine and build games with a decent reference of how and what to do.
This time is a bit time consuming and due to how many themes in WordPress work I spent about 2 days just troubleshooting themes and modifying CSS so it can also look good on desktop, mobile and tablets. I've also created a way to browse through the documentation in a guide-style with back and forward buttons for a more structured read.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope that 2022 is truly the Year Game Pencil is stable and gains more traction.
Nathan Hurde
Lead Game Pencil Engine developer