Push our modular game engine forward
Donate to our patreon campaign
Join our campaign with as little as $1 and help push this game engine forward.
We also accept dogecoin.

Wallet ID:
Our company is named after our pet, of course we will accept the people’s crypto named after man’s best friend.
To remain transparent on how funds are handled, we have created this page, hopefully one day we can join the Software Freedom Conservancy to help us manage the Game Pencil Engine.
Patreon donations
As of March 2021 we have 17 patrons which donate $78 total per month after Patreon.com's expenses.
Itch.io donations
To date our gross revenue on Itch.io has been $345.59 since releasing in 2016.

Website domain costs.
GamePencil.net is $11.16 a year to "own" the domain. PawByte.com is $8.76 for this year's transfer.
Web server costs have changed throughout the year with us changing hosts, but here is the yearly rundown:
2015: $60.48 + $16.95 = $77.43
2016: $155.40 + $16.95 = $172.35
2017: $179.40
2018: $107.88 + $87.89 = $195.87
2019: $95.88
2020: $55.93 + $62.45 = $118.38
2021: $12.49 so far (projected to be $149.88) -
WordPress Hestia Pro Theme
Paid $$105.19 for yearly Hestia Pro theme. We have tried many times to use a free theme, but each any every theme was incomplete in many ways. So in February 2021 we decided to pay for the Pro version of Hestia and are really impressed by it's presentation.
Elementor Pro Addon
By March 2021 we plan to purchase the Pro version of Elementor. Coupled with the Hestia theme it gives us an abundance of widgets to beautify our website. Elementor Pro costs $99 a year.
Hardware : Dell Laptop
Paid $120 for a used dell WorkStation laptop to dual boot Linux and Windows via Facebook Marketplace.
Hardware : Macbook
Paid $94 for a used 2012 Macbook Pro with macOS Catalina installed for further OSX and IOS development in October 2020.
Hardware : Mobile Gamepad
Paid $28.07 via ebay for the Ipega Wireless Bluetooth Game Controller Joystick For Android iOS iPhone Tablet.
Hardware : RG 350M
Paid $95.60 via ebay for the RG 350M device.
Software: Malwarebytes
Paid $27.51 for Malwarebytes Premium anti-virus and anti-malware software protection program yearly subscription.
Goal: Nathan to work fulltime
I am married and have a son. The goal is to receive enough funds to work fulltime on the Game Pencil engine and be able to sustain my part of household income for life expenses, medical fees, savings, retirement, etc.
Goal: Add part time members
Maintaining an engine, website, documentation and videos requires more than 1 person. From time to time will like to expand the team to create more content and updates.
Updated weekly. Last updated 4/22/2021